Audit Services
The Beard Group LLC CPA’s (TBG) provides businesses with independent audits services to assure that financial statements accurately reflect the business’s financial performance. We
provide audit services for a wide range of industries as well as non-profit organizations.
Businesses need financial advisors who understand their industry and the complexities of the audit process. At TBG we make it a point to understand our client industries and the law and regulations governing those industries. Our clients and the agencies they report to can feel confident that financial statements accurately reflect the operations of the audited business.
TBG provides personalized quality service and expert financial advice during each audit engagement. We pride ourselves on our efficiency with remote audits through our secure software and technology.
Not only do we issue opinions on the financials, but we also provide useful feedback and guidance on developing remedies for any finding noted during the audit.
Give us a call at 678-362-7323 to discuss your audit needs.